ECHA Publishes Data from the SCIP Database
Since mid-September, consumers and waste disposers can access the data in the SCIP database to learn about hazardous materials in products. The ECHA issued a press release on the availability of access. According to the ECHA, about 6,000 companies have made 17 million submissions to SCIP. As of September 2021, the agency has uploaded 4 million of the submissions.
EU Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius characterized the start of the database as an important step toward a circular economy and “zero pollution” in the sense of the European Green Deal approved by the EU.
The substances of very high concern (SVHC) found in products most often include:
- Lead (used in ball bearings and batteries)
- Lead monoxide (used in lamps and vehicle parts)
- Lead titanium trioxide (used in electric stoves)
- Silicic acid, lead salt (used in lead crystal and vehicle coatings)
- Dechloran Plus, also called DDC-CO (used in paints and adhesives)
The ECHA postponed publication of the data from February to September because of technical
According to Article 9 of the EU Waste Directive, manufacturers and importers are required to use SCIP to notify the ECHA about the presence of SVHCs in products in a concentration greater than 0.1% by weight.
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