ECHA Publishes Sample Exposure Scenario

The agency uses a hypothetical hazardous substance to illustrate how an exposure scenario must be structured and the content that must be presented for each use.
The ECHA hopes that the publication will lead to more effective communications and, therefore, greater safety when dealing with hazardous substances.
The publication is divided into three parts. The first part is an overview of the different formats that must be attached to the safety data sheets and points to consider when creating the sheets. It also provides authors with some direction on standard formulations. The second part explains how information from the chemicals safety report is to be prepared for the exposure scenario. Part three illustrates the presentation in a CHESAR file.

Finally, the document contains three templates for industrial, professional, or consumer use of the substance.
All documents can be downloaded here.

If you have any questions about exposure scenarios, our KFT team is available to advise you at any time.

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