ECHA: Schedule for SCIP Database Set

The ECHA wants to make the first version of its substance of concern in products (SCIP) database available to users in October 2020. A prototype will be ready as early as the first quarter of 2020. The Agency made the announcement in Helsinki at the beginning of November as part of a workshop.

The background is the updated EU waste framework directive, which has been in effect since July 2018. Article 9 Section 2 states that the ECHA must set up and maintain a database for products that contain hazardous chemicals by January 5, 2020. Such products include SVHC and chemicals on the REACH candidate list. In return, manufacturers and importers must, in the future, report to the ECHA data on products marketed after January 5, 2021.

According to the IT project manager at the ECHA, Tom Uotila, the prototype will be available to selected companies for a test run. As of October, all companies will be able to enter data. The ECHA emphasizes that confidential business information (CBI) is protected, since product designations, including brand and model, are not published. The ECHA is also appealing to the companies involved to take personal responsibility and avoid indications of the vendors or manufacturers of components from the get-go.

For presentations and other materials from the workshop, see the ECHA Web site

Do your products contain SVHC and do you want to be sure about their legal compliance?Please contact us at any time at 

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