Exposure Scenarios: Here’s How to Do Them Correctly

According to REACH, manufacturers or importers must create a safety report within the context of registration for substances that they manufacture or import annually in quantities greater than 10 tons. If the substance is classified as hazardous according to CLP regulation, exposure scenarios must be developed for the uses identified for the substance. This is required by Art. 14 Abs. 4 REACH. The scenarios describe the conditions under which the substance can be dealt with safely.

ECHA experts repeatedly criticize the incompleteness of exposure scenarios and publish tips and best-practice examples on the topic at irregular intervals. The ECHA has now enhanced this offering with an additional sample for an exposure scenario. It provides examples of what to consider when developing a meaningful evaluation of the exposure.

If you have additional questions or require support for a concrete case, please contact us. And in this context, we’d also like to remind you of our seminars on exposure scenarios.

If you need exposure scenarios for specific uses of the substance or if you’re not sure whether your current use is covered by an existing exposition scenario, please contact Mr. Nicolas Heidrich (reach@kft.de).

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