Submission Portal for Hazardous Mixtures: ECHA Publishes Guidelines
On its submission portal, the ECHA has provided two guidelines intended to support importers and downstream users when using its new system-to-system tool. Users can create dossiers in their own software systems and transmit them directly to the ECHA portal. Annex VIII of the CLP Regulation requires downstream users to notify the ECHA about hazardous mixtures that they intend to market in the EU. For more background information, see our post: Poison Centers: ECHA Enhances Its Submission Portal for Hazardous Mixtures.
The first guideline describes the onboarding steps needed to put the ECHA tool into service. The second, REST API, describes the technical details of how the programming interface must be created for the two systems (corporate and ECHA) to be able to communicate with each other. It also documents how to ensure secure data transfer.
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