The ECHA has now made a prototype of its SCIP (Substances of Concern in Products) database of products containing Candidate List substances of very high concern available to corporate users. The agency announced the news in a press release. The SCIP database is an important element of the EU’s waste strategy....
EU Regulation 2018/35 modifying Annex XVII of Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 took effect on February 1. The regulation immediately restricts the marketing and sale of two siloxanes (octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane: D4 and decamethylcyclopentasiloxane: D5) in a concentration equal to or greater than 0.1% by weight in rinse-off cosmetics. That’s as good as a total prohibition. Two years ago, the ECHA’s Member State Committee (MSC) approved...
Consumers throughout the EU can now use the Scan4Chem app to inform themselves about the presence of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) in products. As announced by the Danish Environmental Ministry in a press release (Danish only), the app can be downloaded free of charge from the Apple App Store or Google Play. The German Environment Ministry notes that the German version of...
In the future, importers who wish to introduce products containing SVHCs must record the presence of such chemicals in customs documents. The EU Commission has required this information since October 1, 2019 for materials contained in the REACH Authorization List (Annex XIV). According to Miquel Aguado-Monsonet of the Directorate- General for Internal Market, Industry,...
The ECHA has announced which information companies will have to supply when they market products containing substances of very high concern (SVHCs). The Waste Directive that has been in effect since July 2018 is the background for the announcement. The goal of the Directive is to eliminate SVHCs from material streams step by step. But if manufacturers fail to replace SVHCs with...
The ECHA has recommended to the EU Commission that it include 18 chemicals in Annex XIV (Authorization List) of REACH. Because of their properties, all the substances are harmful to human health or the environment. The list currently contains 43 chemicals. A public consultation last year preceded the ECHA recommendation. Last June, the Member State Committee (MSC) finally examined the comments made during the...