Emergency numbers: Immediate assistance guaranteed worldwide for your product users

Rely on our mediated emergency number service to receive immediate medical information and support in critical situations involving hazardous substances or mixtures. Our contacts will respond quickly and appropriately to accidents and emergencies to ensure the safety of your product users.

Legal requirements for your emergency number services

Both within and outside the EU, it is necessary to state the relevant emergency numbers on freight documents or labels when transporting hazardous goods. In addition, the emergency number is also required in many legal regulations in the safety data sheet. Indicating the emergency numbers enables the correct authorities or organizations to be contacted quickly.

Provide national and international emergency numbers

The requirements for the provision of national emergency numbers vary from country to country, and international emergency numbers are only permitted in certain cases. Most countries require a number that is manned around the clock and where a person can provide medical information in the respective official language. For globally active companies, ensuring such an emergency number service is a complex and time-consuming task.

Our solution

We will gladly take over this service for you!

On request, we can provide the emergency number in your safety data sheets and international freight documents if you have these documents created by us. This means that your users receive reliable first aid in the event of an emergency - regardless of the country in which your product is being shipped.
With us as your partner, you are on the safe side!


Our services in detail

  • Solutions for national emergency numbers in different countries

  • International emergency numbers for simultaneous coverage of different regions

  • Provision of SDS to the emergency number partners/service providers


KFT - Your strong partner for
Chemical compliance solutions

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