Denmark Creates PFAS Research Center to Find Alternatives to PFAS

In January, the Technical University of Denmark (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet: DTU) in Lyngby near Copenhagen established a research center for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Under the leadership of the DTU, scientists from the universities of Aarhus, Copenhagen, and Southern Denmark will collaborate on various PFAS projects.

With the establishment of the center, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency hopes to consolidate and expand knowledge about the group of substances known as PFAS.

The research work will focus on

  • Finding and studying PFAS alternatives
  • Developing methods to prevent contamination of soil, groundwater, and drinking water
  • Investigating how PFAS are released from waste
  • Evaluating potential new PFAS 

According to the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, the activities will also involve international PFAS researchers.

In collaboration with the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Germany, Denmark prepared and submitted a dossier to the ECHA on January 13, 2023 to initiate a restriction procedure for PFAS.

If you have any questions about PFAS and other substances whose use is restricted, please contact us at sales@kft.de.

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