▪︎ Hazardous substances

Substitution of Problematic Chemicals: EU Begins Pilot Projects

The EU wants to promote the substitution of PFAS, chromium VI substances, and other problematic groups of substances as part of pilot projects. The EU announced the details in an invitation to tender published on July 22.

What the EU plans

The EU has defined four projects. The first sets up a possible EU substitution center along the lines of the “Toxics Use Reduction Institute,” (TURI), in Massachusetts, or a way to determine how centers can cooperate. The three other projects will investigate how to accelerate the substitution of PFAS in batteries, chromium VI substances in hard-chrome coatings, and the substitution of a further group of substances in paints. If no alternative substances for these applications exist, they may continue to be used within the scope of special approvals.

Tasks to solved

The projects will:

  • Identify potential alternative substances and/or technologies
  • Identify all relevant players in the industry
  • Form cooperation groups and hold workshops
  • Create a road map of the required measures

Leading by example

In Massachusetts, TURI shows how substitution can succeed. Thanks to the TURI initiative, companies in Massachusetts were able to reduce their use of toxic chemicals by 75% between 2000 and 2020 (see p. 6 of the document).

The following sites serves as examples of European initiatives:

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