PCN notification (chemicals): Your complete solution for legally compliant product notifications

Discover our customized consulting service, which offers you comprehensive support for all questions relating to product notifications. Our service not only includes detailed advice, but also the complete handling of your product notifications.

From data collection to ECHA submission: what the CLP Regulation requires

Article 45 and Annex VIII of CLP Regulation 1272/2008 lay down uniform rules throughout Europe for physically and health hazardous chemical mixtures. There is a range of data that must be provided in order to create a notification dossier.
The completed dossier is submitted centrally to the ECHA and then forwarded to the respective authorities of the selected countries, which in turn forward it to their national poison centers. This means that the poison information centers can quickly provide competent information in emergencies.

The difficult path to correct product reporting of your chemicals

Although product notifications are almost standardized throughout Europe, the notification procedure is complex. It needs to be clarified: How do I proceed with the notification? Is my software suitable for this? What validation problems can occur? What regulations need to be observed for the UFI (Unique Formula Identifier)? In addition to hazardous mixtures, do special non-hazardous mixtures also have to be reported and if so, how and where?

Our solution

Take advantage of our comprehensive know-how for notifications in the EU member states! We not only provide you with comprehensive advice, but also take care of the Complete reporting procedures for all EU and EEA member states and Switzerland. We create a UFI for your notification and submit your product data, such as chemical composition, substance identity and toxicology, to the competent authorities. We transfer the necessary fees to the competent authority and fulfill other national requirements.

We can also help you to meet the relevant product-specific requirements, regardless of where in the world you operate. In this course we offer Third party PCN messages to support non-European companies in complying with the regulations.

Concentrate on your core business - we take care of your product notifications!


Our services in detail

  • Advice on product notification obligations for chemicals

  • Live support for IUCLID Cloud dossier creation

  • UFI generation and updating

  • Preparation of the PCN notification dossier and execution of the notifications for all EU/EEA member states and Switzerland

  • Notification of products in accordance with additional national regulations within the EU, national requirements such as in Croatia and Bulgaria

  • Third-party PCN notifications for companies based outside the EU

  • Monitoring of necessary fees and their due date

  • Training courses that give you a comprehensive overview of the Art 45 obligations and Annex VIII

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Chemical compliance solutions

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