Identification labels worldwide
Across the world, labels are used to communicate the characteristics of products. This applies to industrial, commercial or consumer products. Different legal regulations apply worldwide for the communication of hazards and risks. These regulations govern, among other things, labels for hazardous substances and dangerous goods, for biocides and biocidal products, for cosmetics and for all kinds of consumer products. Furthermore, they are often supplemented with industry guidelines or recommendations from customers.
KFT can compile legally compliant label proposals on your behalf. Based on the legal requirements established by us, we compile templates for the content of your labels. The final layout is entrusted to your graphic designer or service provider. We only handle the part relating to the legislation. We make suggestions for single or multi-language labels. If necessary, we also check the labels of your partners or suppliers. A number of trading companies entrust us with the task of checking the legal compliance of the labels of the respective suppliers and giving the go-ahead for final marketing. We consider not only the correct content, but also the size of the labels and size of fonts or icons.
If necessary, we also check the labels of your partners or suppliers. For many trading companies, we examine the legal compliance of the labels of the respective suppliers and grant approval for final marketing. We consider not only the correct content, but also the size of the labels and size of fonts or icons.