Market your products safely

All substances that are marketed worldwide are subject to the statutory provisions of the countries where they are sold. The rules depend on the market and your role in the supply chain. For example, different rules apply for industrial consumers and for the end consumer. For industrial chemicals there are legal requirements and other legal constraints for cosmetic products, detergents and cleaning agents or other consumer products.

We examine in the context of marketing audits whether it is at all possible or authorised to market a product. We determine whether the ingredients or products are subject to specific legal requirements and whether ingredients appear on banned or restricted lists, or, in the best case scenario, on positive lists. We examine under what legal regulatory area the product, the formulation, the substance or product falls in the target country and determine the marketability or the conditions under which marketing is possible. If there any special requirements to be met concerning information to the customer, the packaging or labelling of the product or other conditions, we bring this to your attention or draw up the necessary documentation. If reporting, notification or registration to given authorities agencies in the destination country are necessary before or after marketing, we carry this out on your behalf or provide the necessary documents for your local representatives.

Safe marketing of consumer goods - avoid risks and damage to your image

Consumer goods companies depend on their reputation for their survival. The marketing of products with ingredients that are on lists of banned products or possibly even have carcinogenic or mutagenic effects, can damage the image of your company in the long run. Similarly, wrong labels or defective packaging can lead to expensive recalls. These risks can be minimised by appropriate measures and audits already in the portfolio planning process.

For many consumer goods companies, we therefore examine the marketability of their products in terms of legal compliance before the supplier receives the go-ahead to make an offer. We check the packaging, labelling and documentation, such as instructions or safety data sheets. Only after approval by KFT Chemieservice is the potential supplier invited to submit an offer.

As a consumer goods company you should contact us. We make sure that you sell only legally compliant products with the required packaging, labelling and documentation.