Database for safety data sheets and other documents
- Simple distribution of the current version within the company.
- Easy distribution of the current version to customers.
- Up-to-date information at all times on which SDS for which substance, for which language and for which country was ordered from KFT and is thus available.
- Evaluation of the validity of the safety data sheets is possible at any time.
- Every employee in the company can always be given access to the current documents. This makes internal storage, maintenance and communication obsolete.
If you want your customers to have permanent access to your documents (safety data sheets, labels, C&L information, pre-registration information, etc.), we can provide your customers or your customers’ employees with access to ChemDoc24. You determine which documents each user can view. This can be defined separately for each document. The system logs which document has been accessed. This information is also archived and made available to our customers as required.
The law requires the SDSs to be sent before the 1st delivery of a substance, regardless of whether the delivery was free of charge or invoiced and regardless of the quantity of the substance delivered. The system can even be set up to have the SDS sent directly to the customers of our customers. The system registers if and when the recipient accessed the SDS.
On request, the legally required subsequent sending of the SDSs after a security-relevant adaptation of the SDS has taken place is made possible. Since the first sending of an SDS to a customer was documented in the system, all these customers can be taken into account for subsequent sending. You can also specify whether all customers are to be included in subsequent sending or whether only the legally required subsequent sending period of 12 months is to be taken into account.
According to the REACH regulation and confirmed in the ECHA guidelines on safety data sheet requirements, information must be kept for at least 10 years after the last use of the substance. For carcinogenic and mutagenic substances, some countries impose a retention period of 30 years. To avoid claims for damages and for the authorities, all versions of the safety data sheets should therefore be securely archived. This can be ensured with ChemDoc24.
Incorrect or insufficient information in the SDS may give rise to claims for damages. There have been cases where failure to provide information about the changed danger meant development work led to incorrect results over a long period of time. The expenses for this were successfully claimed. With ChemDoc24, such claims can be avoided because subsequent sending is easily possible, the customer’s access to the documents is logged and a complete version control is also carried out.
In autumn 2013, the new Chemical Sanctions Regulation will come into force without a transitional period. As a result, the authorities will no longer have the option of not sanctioning infringements, i.e. imposing fines. All legal obligations that are binding in the area of safety data sheets and REACH will therefore be sanctioned accordingly in the event of non-compliance. With the legally compliant documentation via KFT ChemDoc24 you avoid corresponding sanctions and thus costs.
*Note on your access data to the release platform
Please pass on your access data for holiday and illness replacement in your company internally. For security reasons,
the KFT ChemDoc24 team cannot disclose access data to third parties.