Cosmetic products
Cosmetics law makes provisions for a large number of labelling requirements. The labelling of cosmetic products is regulated in Article 19 of the Cosmetics Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009. Cosmetic products may only be made available on the market if the packaging carries certain mandatory information.
All ingredients must be listed in descending order of weight in the INCI nomenclature. Consumers should thus be able to check whether cosmetic products contain a substance that is critical for them.
In contrast to the other ingredients, perfume substances (fragrances and aromas) do not have to be listed individually, but can be summarised under the term perfume or aroma. In order to protect people who are allergic or hypersensitive to certain fragrances, the labelling requirement was extended in 2005. Since then, 26 fragrances which most frequently cause allergies in humans throughout Europe have been subject to mandatory labelling: if they are contained in the product in a certain quantity, they must also be labelled individually.
We assist you with the creation and verification of the labels for your cosmetic products and thus ensure that your labels comply with the legislation governing cosmetics. In addition, you can task us with checking the ingredients of your cosmetic products in the light of the prohibition and use restrictions in the extensive appendices of the EU Cosmetics Regulation.
Would you like to market your cosmetic product outside the EU? Please do not hesitate to contact us! We determine the legal requirements for marketing your cosmetic products worldwide and help you secure their implementation.
Further information on the safety assessment and notification of cosmetic products can be found under Registration/Special Product Groups/Cosmetic Products.