Provisions of Chemicals Laws in South Asia – Dr. Tobias Eger to Speak at Lexxion Seminar on International Chemicals Law

Lexxion publishers has invited Dr. Tobias Eger to speak at its Seminar on International Chemicals Law on September 26–27, 2019 in Frankfurt. KFT’s expert on East Asia will discuss the newest developments in chemicals law in Malaysia, Vietnam, and Philippines.

The Asian chemicals market continues to grow. However, the dynamism of growth has suffered because of the trade conflict between the United States and China. But China and Japan continue to count among the drivers of growth, and other countries like Korea and those in South Asia also profit from it. These countries adopt complex chemicals regulations after the pattern of REACH little by little – not least because of the increased number of accidents. Countries that operate in these markets must be familiar with and observe such provisions.

In his presentation, Dr. Eger will report on the regulations being adopted in Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

In Malaysia, for example, CLASS Regulations (Classification, Labelling, and Safety Data Sheet of Hazardous Chemicals) have been in effect since 2013. The regulations define the requirements for communicating hazards, which are to be supplemented by the end of the year. In the future, the changes would require that companies need a Letter of Approval from the appropriate agency, the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH). Imports would be allowed only after the document has been obtained.

Special provisions in Malaysia require that safety data sheets (SDS) and labels be created in English and Malaysian (Bahasa Malaysia) and that SDS be updated regularly. Furthermore, companies located in Malaysia must submit annual reports on their safeguards to government agencies.

Last year, Vietnam created a national chemical list that now contains 31,745 chemicals. The list is published, but not based on any legal text. Companies are now asked to supplement the list. The information required on labels is particular to Vietnam. The label must show both the classification according to the GHS (currently UN GHS 3rd Rev.) and fulfill the requirements of the Law on Good Labeling.

In the Philippines, chemicals must be listed in various registers according to the risk that they pose:

  • Registered chemicals (Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances: PICCS)
  • Restricted chemicals (Philippine Priority Chemicals List: PCL)
  • Prohibited chemicals (Philippine Chemical Control Order: CCO)

In March, the environmental agency tightened the requirements for PCL chemicals, so that dealers, importers, and manufacturers now require a certification. The measure was taken to enable the Philippines to monitor the flow of goods from importers to end consumers better.

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