The ECHA has updated its Web site on poison centers and is offering new support services that simplify the preparation and transmission of information on hazardous mixtures. See the press release issued by the ECHA. The Web site supports companies in complying with the requirements of Annex VIII of the…
At the CARACAL meeting held in Brussels at the beginning of July, the members presented a draft implementing regulation for Article 22 of REACH. The Article regulates the updates of registration dossiers. It requires registrants to update their registration promptly and at their own initiative and to notify the ECHA…
The Turkish health ministry has aligned its legal regulations on cosmetics with the requirements of the EU Cosmetics Regulation (only in Turkish). The following concrete changes result: Turkey prohibits 2-chloro-p-phenylenediamine along with its sulphate and dihydrochloride salts in hair, eyebrow, and eyelash-dye products. Turkey limits the use of 1-(4-chlorophenoxy)-1-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)-3,3-dimethyl-2-butanone (Climbazole) in dandruff shampoos…
A social media campaign, #MyClosestEnemy, warns about purchasing personal care products like tampons and baby diapers that have been bleached with chlorine dioxide. Rune Leithe, former Greenpeace campaigner and initiator of the campaign, has already collected 20,000 signatures on a petition. He is appealing to large EU retail chains to…
The German Chemical Industry Association (VCI) has published Guidance to support companies in the safe disposal of waste that contains nanomaterials. Nanomaterial waste cannot be avoided in the production and use of nanomaterials. With the document, the VCI assists companies that use nanomaterials as UV filters in sun blocks, soil repellents in fabrics, and flame…
The Philippine Bureau of Customs (BOC) wants to limit the import of hazardous chemicals and to that end has issued Customs Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 38-2019 that took effect on August 9. The CMO envisages a new department, the Environmental Protection and Compliance Division (EPCD). In the future, its staff is to monitor the transport of chemicals and,…
In the European Union, the amended RoHS Directive (Directive 2011/65/EU of June 8, 2011 on limiting the use of specific hazardous chemicals in electric and electronic devices has been in effect since July 22, 2019. The Directive lists various chemicals that may not be used in electric and electronic devices. Since the effective date, two important…