ECHA Publishes List of Lead Registrants

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published a list containing the names of lead registrants on its Web site. The leaders of the ECHA want to make it easier for potential registrants to contact the representatives of companies that are already registered. They also want to promote an accelerated registration process, given that the notification period for REACH expires in May 2018.

The list includes about 7,000 substances that it has collected as part of all registration steps. Up to now, the list covers information only on substances that were preregistered by the end of 2008. The ECHA has announced that it intends to update the list with about 1,300 additional substances by the end of this year.

Current statistics (as of September 23) indicate 6,766 registrations of 3,510 substances. Large enterprises have completed some 85% of the registrations; small and midsize companies have completed only 15% of them.

Look for “REACH 2018” in our blog archive from May to June of this year for a number of helpful hints about what you should note during a registration. If you have any questions, please contact us at any time at

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