Is It Over for Dental Amalgams? EU Offers Information and Invites Feedback
On its Web site, the EU has published a road map for ending the use of dental amalgams and a preliminary Inception Impact Assessment. Feedback from the public is welcome until April 2, 2021. According to the road map, the EU wants to prepare a draft law for ending the use of dental amalgams by the end of 2022. The law would then replace Regulation (EU) 2017/852.
Last year, the EU presented a report that sees a phaseout before 2030 as technically and economically feasible. That would move the EU closer to its goal of a pollutant-free environment, which it set as part of the Green Deal.
The use of dental amalgams in the treatment of children under 15 and of pregnant and nursing mothers has been prohibited since July 1, 2018.
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