Safety Data Sheets: Companies Call for More Transparency

In an open letter to the EU Commission, seven companies and the international environmental organization ChemSec call for clear legal requirements for safety data sheets (SDSs). The current legal specifications for mixtures are inadequate to drive appropriate chemicals management, says the letter. Concretely, the companies operating in the most varied of industries call for information in SDSs on:

  • Every chemical present in a mixture in a concentration of 0.01% by weight
  • Classified and non-classified chemicals

Their key argument? When companies implement the EU chemicals strategy for sustainability step by step, they must be informed about what chemicals are present in a mixture and the properties of the chemicals. The SDS is the standard medium for such information. That’s why the signatories are appealing to the EU to tighten the requirements for SDSs.

We generate SDSs worldwide according to GHS in more than 50 languages. Please contact us unter

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