Biocidal Active Substances: German Federal Environment Agency Sets Up Database

The German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has established a database (German only) for biocidal active substances (Biocides in the Environment: BiU). It contains data and information on more than 90 biocidal active substances, such as where they are used and how they affect the environment.

The information comprises more than 80,000 data records that are updated regularly. The data is culled from scientific papers and research reports.

The database provides interested parties with information on many items, including:

  • Authorization status according to the EU Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR)
  • Relevant monitoring data
  • Physico-chemical properties
  • Classification according to the CLP Regulation

According to the UBA, the tool can be used for the environmental impact assessment of biocidal products.

We advise you with regard to the requirements of Regulation (EU) No. 528/2012 (Biocidal Products Regulation, BPR), check the labeling and marketability of biocidal products within the EU and carry out the biocide notification in Germany to the BAuA according to the German “Chemikaliengesetz (ChemBiozidMeldeV)”.

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