The German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has established a database (German only) for biocidal active substances (Biocides in the Environment: BiU). It contains data and information on more than 90 biocidal active substances, such as where they are used and how they affect the environment. The information comprises more than…
Every third biocidal product, including many disinfectants, violates EU law. That’s the result of a review of more than 3,500 products sold in Europe. The ECHA published the detailed test results on November 21 as part of a project report. The inspectors classified about 18% of the deficiencies they found…
As of July 1, 2026, manufacturers of biocides and biocidal products must submit their data uniformly in IUCID format if they wish to renew their substance authorization under the Biocidal Products Regulation. That was the decision of the EU authorities responsible for biocides at their meeting at the end of…
The testing or review program to examine existing active substances is to be extended until the end of 2030. The competent EU authorities have agreed on the extension and published it along with other measures in a discussion note. A further extension was necessary because not even half of the…
As part of the new EU implementation project, REACH-EN-FORCE 13 (REF-13), beginning in 2025, EU inspectors will check to see if products sold online meet legal requirements. The inspectors will focus on compliance with REACH restrictions for products such as toys, household goods, and chemicals and whether mixtures are classified,…
The EU Commission plans to modify the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) and extend the duration of the review program for existing active substances. The length of the extension remains unclear: Conversations now speak of three to five years. According to current law, the BPR obligates agencies to complete the review…
According to the impact assessment published in the fall of 2021, the EU is once again inviting stakeholders to comment on the revision of the Detergents Regulation (Regulation No. 648/2004). The public consultation is open until May 25. Repeal of the Detergents Regulation was under discussion in the fall. Plans…