Bisphenol A Reevaluated

The registration dossier for Bisphenol A was updated in December 2014. From now on, the dossier will describe only uses of the substance as a polymer. However, its use as an additive in thermal paper, PVC plastics, and brake fluid is no longer captured. Downstream users must now check to see if the updated registration dossier covers their use of Bisphenol A. If it does not, they must notify the ECHA within six months after receipt of the current safety data sheet. Furthermore, they must create their own safety data sheet within a year.

Polycarbonates and epoxy resins are made from Bisphenol A, both of which are basic materials in the manufacture of plastic bottles and coatings for cans. Bisphenol A is also used as a developer in thermal paper.

Bisphenol A has long been classified in Appendix VI of the CLP regulation as a skin irritant, a danger to eyes, and a respiratory irritant. Since March 2014, it has also been classified as a reproductive toxin of Category 1B. According to Art. 57c of the REACH regulation, therefore, Bisphenol A is considered a substance of very high concern (SVHC).

The EU Commission has now placed Bisphenol A on the watch list, according to Art. 8b of the Water Framework Directive. The list contains a maximum of 10 items; it is reworked and updated every four years. The goal is to identify these dangerous materials in ground water and to monitor their presence as widely as possible.

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