ECHA: Prototype of the SCIP Database Available

The ECHA has now made a prototype of its SCIP (Substances of Concern in Products) database of products containing Candidate List substances of very high concern available to corporate users. The agency announced the news in a press release.

The SCIP database is an important element of the EU’s waste strategy. Its goal is to create an overview of the presence of hazardous chemicals in articles to enable replacing them as part of the move to a safe circular economy. According to Article 9, Section 2 of the updated EU Waste Directive (Directive 2018/851) that has been in effect since July 2018, the ECHA must provide such a database beginning at the start of this year.

The ECHA presented a timeline for introduction of the database at the end of last year. Manufacturers and importers will have to register the data on articles that contain substances of very high concern (SVHC: Chemicals on the REACH candidate list) in a concentration equal to or greater than 0.1% by weight. Such a notification is mandatory for products marketed as of January 5, 2021, as described in Article 9, Section 1, Letter I of the updated EU Waste Directive.

The prototype now available enables companies to enter test data so that they can familiarize themselves with the procedures related to the notification. The ECHA also asks for feedback from users, which it will use to improve the database step by step, ensuring the availability of an optimized version in October.

The data is to include:  

  • Information to identify the article 
  • Name, concentration range, and location of the chemical in the article 
  • Information on safe use of the chemical  

On its Web site, the ECHA describes exactly how the data is to be formatted and submitted.

Chemical Watch is offering a free Webinar on the database at 1:00 p.m. on March 5.

Do your products contain SVHC and do you want to be sure about their legal compliance? Please contact us at any time at

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